We’ve been recalibrated

One of the most common unconscious mindsets is that “change is temporary,” but when you see something as temporary, you tend to cope with it instead of accepting and embracing it.

Should we start preparing to support people in managing LACK of change? Are we all becoming recalibrated to experience constant, sometimes overwhelming change, as the norm?

When I was in the delivery room in labor with my daughter, I was experiencing labor pain, but not nearly what I had heard was normal. I watched the dial measuring my contractions shoot up into the “red zone” and thought “ok, this isn’t too bad – I might just be able to handle this!”

Then, I began to have pain that was jumping a bit over the “red zone” and my nurse very calmly went over to that machine and turned a dial. Now the contractions were bouncing a little into the “green zone” but FELT worse than the “red zone”.

I asked her what was going on. She smiled sweetly, chuckled a bit, and said “I recalibrated the machine. When your contractions reach into the “red zone” again, we’ll know you’re getting closer.”

Excuse me???

I believe, given the amount of change we’ve all experienced in the last two years, we’ve been “recalibrated” and we now don’t know what to do with ourselves if we aren’t coping with some new change.

Isn't this what's happening when you find yourself in a long line waiting or at the doctor's office waiting or waiting for the commercials to end or... and you can't help but jump on your phone? You nearly panic when you think of having to go somewhere and spend any time "unplugged". Your vacations become jam-packed itineraries with scheduled activities on the minute? Is this what we’ve been recalibrated to think is normal?

As a mentor of mine said to a group of us several weeks ago, "I schedule time to be spontaneous!" (yikes)

I’d love your thoughts! Comment below or like and share!


Emotions in Business


Tacit Knowledge in a Hybrid World